The easiest and natural way to control split ends

The easiest and natural way to control split ends

Split ends are a common hair problem we all face. Split ends are mostly responsible for making our hair look unhealthy, dull and rough. Many suffer from this problem. And sometimes it becomes difficult to prevent it. The reason for that is, before preventing split ends, you need to know what causes it, or why it happens. In a previous article I shared 4 common causes of split ends. If you missed the article, you can read it now:

Today I will share with you some of the easiest and natural ways to control split ends.


Sufficient Vitamin E keeps the hair healthy


We all know how much vitamin E is needed in hair care. And if you really want to prevent split ends, then Vitamin E is a must! Foods rich in vitamin-E such as; Spinach, nuts, etc. will repair your hair from the inside and keep it looking beautiful and happy from the outside. You can also use hair oil with vitamin E on your hair.


Find your natural solution in Eggs


Egg mask is the most effective and beneficial for hair. Regular use of egg mask will keep your hair moisturized and reduce split ends as well as frizziness. Also keep eggs in your diet regularly. It contains a lot of zinc and protein. Which nourishes your hair and naturally helps to reduce split ends.


Keep your hair looking fresh with regular trimming


It is impossible to reduce split ends without regular trimming! The ends of our hair is usually dry and weak. As a result it easily splits. So trim your hair once every three months to keep it healthy and beautiful.


Take proper care of your hair


As I said in the previous article, a lot of damage happens to the hair due to friction. So use a thick tooth comb when combing your hair, it will not put pressure on the hair and can easily detangle the hair. Try using a microfiber towel or cotton t-shirt to wipe your wet hair.


Heat protection


Even if I’m saying it towards the end, but it is the most important! For many, it may not be possible to avoid heat styling at all. So before heat styling, you must use heat protection spray or serum. You can also use Argan oil as a natural heat protection.

Here are some simple tips to prevent split ends. Hopefully these will solve your split end problems and keep your hair looking beautiful and problem free. 

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