Natural Hair care solution

Natural Hair care solution

When we hear of ‘Hair Care Routine’ the first thought that comes to mind is having to spend hours and hours after your hair. Others think that the first condition to having healthy hair is regular salon treatment and expensive hair products. I know that in a busy lifestyle, it is not possible for everyone to spend so much time and/or money after their hair.

But every day, your hair is being damaged by the pollution, dirt, heat of the sun and many other things! One week your hair stays hydrated, properly moisturized and healthy, on the other week your hair is lifeless, frizzy and damaged.


What is the solution to this problem?

There is only one solution, “A proper hair care routine”! There’s nothing to be scared of, your hair doesn’t want much attention. With a little regular care, you can have gorgeous looking hair! Today I am bringing to you ‘A Weekly Natural Hair Care Routine’. Without having to invest much time or money, you can maintain naturally beautiful, damage-free and healthy hair.


More shampoo than you need? Never!

Some say, ‘shampoo every day’, others say ‘shampoo 1-2 times a week’. Confusion, right?

Your confusion will go away now. Because the frequency of shampooing depends on the type of your hair and your lifestyle. For normal or dry hair, shampooing with 3-day intervals is enough. But if your hair is excessively oily, you need to shampoo every other day. And if you have to be out in the dirt a lot then shampooing every other day is a must.

But often in a hurry, shampooing regularly can become difficult. So, as a solution you can use dry shampoo. Nothing to worry about, you don’t have to invest money after dry shampoo right away. You can make your dry shampoo very easily.

What you need:

  • 2 table spoon of Cinnamon powder
  • 2 table spoon of Cornstarch
  • 1 table spoon of Lavender oil

First, properly mix the cinnamon powder and the cornstarch. Now add Lavender oil to it and mix it again. Your dry shampoo is ready to use.

Applying this dry shampoo is also pretty easy. First, apply it to your hair using a makeup brush. Then massage it onto your scalp using your fingers. After 5-10 minutes, thoroughly brush your hair; this removes the excess powder.


Conditioning 101

Applying conditioner after you shampoo stops the fizziness and roughness of your hair and keeps your hair smooth and soft. Conditioner also keeps your hair tangle-free so it reduces the chance of hair breakage when you comb your hair. But you should never apply conditioner to your scalp as it makes the scalp excessively oily. That is why you should always apply the conditioner from mid-length till the end of your hair.


You must properly dry your hair after every time you get it wet.

If you must get your hair wet, you have to dry it properly afterwards. Tying up wet hair can cause bacterial and fungal infection. Try and use a cold dryer as much as possible. You can also use a table fan to dry your hair.


Natural hair mask

Try and use a natural hair mask every week in your hair care routine. This mask will rid your hair of damage and fizziness, and help you get soft and healthy hair.

What you need:

  • 1 Banana
  • 2 table spoon of Sour Curd
  • 1 table spoon of Honey

Blend all the ingredients together thoroughly. Apply the mask all over your hair. After leaving it on for 30-45 minutes, shampoo your hair followed by applying a conditioner.

Regular oil massage

For deep conditioning of your hair and to reduce hair fall, the involvement of oil massage in your hair care routine is of utmost importance. Regular oil massage will increase the blood circulation and oxygen supply to your scalp, making the hair roots stronger and reducing hair fall. That is why at least 2 days a week you can massage coconut, olive or any other hair oil to your scalp.

To know the proper steps to hair massage this video will help you a lot.

Regular trimming

Many don’t trim their hair in order to increase the length of their hair. This pops the tip of the hair and causes hair breakage. So, to get healthy and damage-free hair, it is really important to trim your hair every 2-3 months! The hair grows faster if the hair is healthy.

Those who are looking for a natural solution for your hair, can try DOVE Coneflower Extract Shampoo and Conditioner. Natural ingredients such as coneflower, oil and white tea really helps protect the hair from damage and reduces hair fall.

To get naturally damage-free and healthy hair, you don’t need to take much trouble. Just follow a hair care routine regularly and embrace the beauty of gracious hair!

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