Say goodbye to signs of aging on your skin!

Say goodbye to signs of aging on your skin!


Time and tide waits for none. And age increases along with time. So, you have to start preparing beforehand so that you don’t get signs of aging on your skin. When it comes to anti aging skin care routine, there are some simple do’s and don’ts. And these are exactly what today’s article is all about!

The do’s


Exercising reduces stress. When we exercise, the myokine proteins in our body increases. This protein is released from the muscles, which reduces signs of aging. You can get this youthful glow by exercising just 10 hours a day! 


Applying sunscreen regularly is a must in order to reduce signs of aging. Sunlight increases signs of aging on your skin and makes wrinkles and other sports more visible. Don’t forget to apply SPF 30 sunscreen regularly before stepping out into the sun.





There’s no substitute to moisturizer when it comes to anti-aging skincare routine. It retains the skin’s moisture and it turns prevents signs of aging and wrinkles. You can apply moisturizers consisting of vitamin C and A. It helps prevent signs of aging from the very core of the skin. 



The don’ts


You need to keep yourself properly hydrated so that your face doesn’t show signs of aging. Substances like tea and coffee reduces hydration on skin which in turn makes skin look dy and aged.

Sleeping with makeup on

You should never skip cleansing and exfoliation, especially before going to bed. Our skin cells repair while we sleep. Skin cells get blocked and new cell building is prevented if we sleep with makeup on. As a result, signs of aging on skin increases.

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