Naturally Beautiful and Fresh Feet During Summer

Naturally Beautiful and Fresh Feet During Summer

Everyday the weather is getting warmer. Normally we wear sandals or open shoes more during this time. That’s why it gets difficult to keep the feet beautiful from the scorching heat, dirt and sweat. All of these cause the feet skin to become rough and dry. Also your feet can stink from all the sweating. For picture perfect feet skin you have to take care of them every other day.

Use heavy moisturizer

The heels of our feet are used a lot. That’s why this portion gets drier than the rest of the feet. Also the skin of this part is thicker as well. So, it’s difficult for the moisturizer to penetrate the skin of this area. Use a thick moisturizer on this area in a big quantity. 
To lock the moisture of your feet use lotion or oil right after the shower. For better results use moisturizer before going to sleep. 

Use Sunscreen

Many of us don’t use good sunscreen on our feet. We don’t even consider this to be a big deal. But using sunscreen doesn’t only protect our skin but also helps the nails. So retain the moisture of nails and to keep the growth natural sunscreen is a must. The heat from sun, dust and air can damage nails. It also hampers nail growth. That’s why there should be a connection between sunscreen and feet on a regular basis.      

Keeping the feet open

You should not keep your feet covered all day during hot days. This might cause feet to sweat and stink. Also if the air touches the feet it feels fresh.


Exfoliate at least once a week

Exfoliation reduces the dryness of feet and makes the skin smoother. Also, after all the dead skin cells are removed the moisturizer works a lot better. But if you have dry feet then instead of a salt based scrubber use a sugar based one. Because salt can make the skin dehydrated.

Don’t use powder!

You might think that powder makes the skin fresh and sweat less. But using powder on your feet can make them more sweaty and cause bad odor. Also the powder might melt and make the feet greasy.

Soaking in ice water

From the heat, dirt and sweat the fresh feeling of your feet can be ruined. Also, the heat can cause skin redness and result in itching as well. After coming from outside you can soak your feet in ice cold water for a bit. This will give freshness to your feet and also sooth them as well.
Though we take care of our face and hand skin, we usually forget to take care of the feet skin. And for the lack of care these damages can turn permanent. So, start following a few of these tips of feet care from today.

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