Get Ready With Mehrun Nesa

Get Ready With Mehrun Nesa

By Mehrun Nesa

Hello everyone, today I will share a very simple get ready with me idea.

Firstly, I will start by cleansing my face. Because, our skincare should start with skin cleansing. It's very important. My skin type is oily. And in the morning my skin looks very dull with extra oil showing on my face. To keep my skin healthy in any season I need a good face wash. So, for skin cleansing I use Pond's Pure Detox Facewash.

For cleansing my skin, I take a small amount of face wash on my fingers and apply it all over the face. This face wash contains activated charcoal, which helps to clean our skin deeply. And for those with oily skin like me, this is the best face wash. Because this face wash cleans all the dirt, pollution, and impurities from our skin. And after using this facewash, an instant glow comes to the skin. This is my all time favorite facewash. 

After cleaning my face thoroughly with Pond's Pure Detox Facewash, I wear a very simple and comfortable kurti. And then I do my regular skin care. I use it step by step - a small amount of sunscreen, a small amount of foundation. If you want, you can use BB cream or any regular day cream of your choice. Then I apply a little mascara on the eyelashes and lipstick on the lips. So, with a comfortable kurti and a few products, I'm ready for the day.

In this way, you can get ready for university or for the office in a very short time. It will keep you confident and comfortable all day long.

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