Back to class skin care routine!

Back to class skin care routine!

It has been quite some time that we’ve been attending classes online. But as we step back to normal life, campuses are opening up. We are going out for classes. And skin problems are also increasing due to the dust and scorching heat. To tackle all that, we need a new skin care routine that fits right into this new back to class lifestyle. 

Cleansing done right

In order to retain the beauty of skin, the first thing that you need to do is apply facewash. The skin accumulates a lot of dust when we go out. If not washed properly, problems like pimples appear. Using a mild cleanser to wash your face after waking up and before going to class is a must. Excess oil and sweat builds up onto the skin even when we stay indoors. So, you need to follow the same cleansing process before sleep as well.


There’s a common myth about moisturizer. That is, using moisturizers lead to pimples. But truth is, using moisturizer is a must even if you have a lot of skin problems. The only thing that you need to take note is to find the right fit for your skin type. If a heavy moisturizer doesn’t suit your skin then you can switch to a moisturizer with matte finish. It will keep your skin hydrated. 

Say no to loose powder

In case of oily skin, there’s no way to prevent oil buildup. A lot of people try to reduce the oiliness using loose powder. But it’s a wrong thing to do. Loose powder blocks the pores of the skin and makes it greasy. And that’s exactly why you shouldn’t apply powder before going to class. The best way to reduce oil to to remove excess oil using tissue or bloating paper.




Light makeup

You can always do some light makeup when going to class. But make sure that your makeup brushes are kept clean as part of your skin care routine. Dirty brushes can cause a lot of skin problems as well. 

Using sunscreen

Apply sunscreen of your face, neck and hands before going to class. If you have dry skin, then using a mild sunscreen is a must. But just applying sunscreen before getting out isn’t enough. Make sure to carry a small bottle of sunscreen with you as well. Aplly it every two hours. This will keep your skin perfect! 

It’s not tough to follow these simple tips. At most times, we miss these out due to being busy. But there’s no substitute to “back to class skin care” in order to get perfect skin. 

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