5 ways to keep your nails shiny and healthy

5 ways to keep your nails shiny and healthy

We want our nails to be healthy, shiny and beautiful no matter if we are a nail biter of a nail enthusiast. A beautiful set of nails has such a youthful vibe to it, doesn’t it? But a lot of us are familiar with the woes of having bad looking nails and nails that break off at the worst possible time. What you need to keep your nails beautiful is something that we will discuss today.

Trim regularly

Just like your hair, you need to trim your nails very regularly. It will fend off damage and keep it healthy. Try trimming your nails once every two weeks. 

Long nails or healthy nails?

Long nails may look beautiful but it’s better to avoid it if you have a breakage or skin peeling problem with your nails. Keep your nails short for at least a few days so that it can grow big and strong again. 

Keep cuticles in your regular care

Cuticles keep the roots of the nail strong. Make sure you never cut off your cuticles while doing your pedicures or manicures. It can lead to bacteria infections. Also, make sure to moisturize your cuticles.


Using base coats and top coats

Don’t forget to apply a base coat and a top coat while applying nail polish. It’s very important to keep the nails healthy and to make the nail polish last longer.

Keep your hands and nails moisturized

You’ve moisturized your face before bed, start doing it for your hands as well. It keeps the cuticles well and keeps the nails hydrated. Lip balm works really well as a moisturizer for your nails.

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