5 skin care benefits of green tea!

5 skin care benefits of green tea!

There’s nothing new to be said about the benefits of green tea. From losing weight to detoxifying your body, you all know how helpful green tea can be. The enzymes, amino acids, vitamin B, folate, manganese, potassium, caffeine, and other phytochemicals that are found in green tea are very good for your skin. That’s why you can keep green tea in your beauty routine.

Let’s check out some of green tea’s benefits for skin.

Protects skin

The antioxidants found in green tea protect the skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun and pollution. That aside, it also helps prevent the DNA damage in cells. The tonix acid, theobromine, polyphenol that are found in green tea shields the skin from sunburn.

Reduces signs of aging

Did you know that green tea works really well as an anti-aging agent? The phytochemical named polyphenol that’s found in green tea reduces harmful free-radicals, which in turn prevents the skin from aging. It also has vitamin B2, which helps make the skin look youthful.

Soothing green tea for your skin

Eczema, serosys, psoriasis and dandruff can cause inflammation in skin. Green tea can help reduce this with the help of its anti-inflammatory properties. You can also rely on green tea to reduce redness of skin.

Keeps skin moisturized

Green tea consists of vitamin E, which provides nutrition to skin and hydrates it. 




Reduces dark circles and eye puffiness

We don’t have much rest time in between classes and office. And that’s how we end up with dark circles. Green tea can help reduce this. The vitamin K found in green tea helps with it. 

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