The right hair color according your skin tone

The right hair color according your skin tone

Easy and Comfortable Hairstyles for Summer

Summer day hairstyles usually means doing a ponytail or a bun. Though it’s not very fashionable, but for the sake of comfort these hairstyles are done on hot days. But apart from these common hairstyles you can also do something different. During summer you can easily do such comfortable yet fashionable hairstyles if you want. Let’s find out about five such comfortable hairstyles.


The trendylos hairstyle is back again. This hairstyle was very popular in the early 2000. But now there’s a modern touch added to this. Take all your hair on top of your hair and make a messy bun. If your hair is short then leave a few strands around the sides of your forehead. Though this hairstyle used to be done with hairspray and brushing the back of hair. This hairstyle should not be too tight. If you tie your hair too tightly in summer then there is no way for the air to get in. So tie the air as lightly as possible during summer. 

Colorful scarf

Around 90’s hairstyles with scarves were very fashionable. But you can also do such a hairstyle this summer. You can put your hair in a bun with a colorful scarf. If you don’t want to do a bun then you can also braid your hair with a scarf. This will make your hair look very colorful. This is the most comfortable and colorful hairstyle for summer. 

Braid crown

You can present a braid crown hairstyle in both casual or formal ways. For such a hairstyle put your hair in a thick braid from the two sides of the ear. Like a band from clip the hair on the side of the ear. This will give the hairstyle a classic look. You can easily do this hairstyle. You can do a braind, ponytail or a low bun on the back of the hair.



Double braid

Whenever we hair the word braid we think it’s a normal hairstyle. But you can bring a twist to this hairstyle. For a double braid you need to separate your hair evenly on two sides. Now each side of the hair other than braiding should be tied with hair tie keeping small gaps. After the hair is done on both sides then you can also bun the hair if you want. 

Wrapped ponytail

If you have short hair then you can easily do this hairstyle. Rather than doing a simple ponytail, divide your hair into three sections. Keep the middle section thicker than the side two sections and wrap the middle section with the side sections.The wrapped ponytail is done. 

The more your hair is tied in summer it will be more comfortable. So, try these easy hairstyles while going out.

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