Body acne problems? Here’s 5 tips to make them disappear! 

Body acne problems? Here’s 5 tips to make them disappear! 

I don’t think there’s a single person in this universe who enjoys acne. Face acne annoyed us when we were younger, and if body acne appears at this age then how would it feel! And that’s why I’m bringing you 5 amazing tips that will help you say goodbye to body acne.

Use acne cleanser

Regular soap and body wash can remove dust and extra oil. But in order to get rid of acne, you need some specific products. You can use any cleanser that has benzoyl peroxide in it.

Don’t forget about sunscreen

Direct contact with sunlight is one of the main reasons behind skin problems. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen to all the uncovered portions of your body before stepping out to the sun. If you’re out for a long time then you need to reapply sunscreen after a couple of hours as well. 




Try Retinoid

Either consult your doctor or collect Retinoid gel or cream from an over-the-counter rack from any pharmacy - whichever is more convenient for you. It is very useful while treating body acne. 

Don’t scrub, pop or pick your acne

Many of us have this bad habit of popping acne, which is very harmful. Also, never use scrub on any acne-prone skin or body.

Prescription treatment

If you face a lot of problems regarding body acne and even if home remedies fail to reduce it, then consult a dermatologist immediately. With the right treatment,you’ll see that your body acne has vanished in no time!

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