5 ways to keep your body and mind happy during period

5 ways to keep your body and mind happy during period

Period is something which is a very normal thing for girls. A lot of you girls have a weird time physically and mentally during this time. A lot of you face excruciating period cramps while others suffer from a lot of mood swing. Apart from that, discomfort and crankiness persists. Today, we will discuss 5 ways which can make you feel better physically and mentally during your period days.

Light exercise

Those of you who suffer from a lot of stomach pain during your period might be surprised at the prospect of exercising through it. But there are some free hand exercises which if done regularly, will ease pain as well as make you feel refreshed. But that doesn’t mean that you can do every kind of exercise. Consult some specialist and try some specific exercises only.

A lot of water

Try to have at least 8-9 glasses of water everyday. Those of you who have excruciating period cramps can try drinking lukewarm water. It increases the blood flow in your body which in turn will make you feel better.



Your favorite dark chocolate

Chocolate contains a lot of cocoa which helps mitigate period cramps. That aside, it reduces stress and helps solve your mood swings as well. Dark chocolate has sugar which increases the amount of serotonin in your body. This makes you feel happier.

Add healthy fat to your diet

Add some healthy diet like cheese, fish, avocado, eggs and nuts to your everyday meals. These fats decrease inflammation and reduce stress.

Enough sleep

You need to have proper sleep during your period. Sleep helps increase the level of serotonin in your body and keeps it refreshed. So, there’s no alternative to sleep. 


And yes! Apart from all these, you need to follow your doctor’s advice.

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