4 Tips for Sweat Free Fresh Skin This Summer

4 Tips for Sweat Free Fresh Skin This Summer

In the scorching heat of summer and high level of humidity your skin and body naturally feels a bit greasy. But using face wipes continuously or taking shower multiple times strips your skin off its natural oils, which can cause many skin problems. Today we have brought you some such solutions that will give you a sweat free, fresh look this during summer. 
Use salicylic acid

This summer add a salicylic acid based face wash to your beauty routine. This unclogs the pores and removes the greasiness. But don’t use it more than once or twice a day.

Keep a water-based moisturizer nearby

A lot of people think you don’t need to use moisturizer during summer time. This is a very wrong concept. To keep your body and face sweat-proof use a water-based moisturizer. This retains the moisture balance of your skin and keeps it hydrated.

Use antiperspirant at night

Many people think deodorant and antiperspirant are the same thing, but it’s not. Deodorant prevents bad odor, and antiperspirant reduces sweat. That’s why to get sweat free, fresh skin during summer apply antiperspirant at night. This will block the sweat glands. 


Dab with blotting paper or tissue

Even after all this if the skin still feels oily then dap with blotting paper or tissue. This will remove the extra sweat and oil from the skin.

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